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Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care in Kingston, Surbiton & Surrey

What is Dementia?

Dementia refers to a set of symptoms associated with a progressive decline in brain function. It can impair memory, reasoning, and other mental abilities. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common type of dementia and accounts for 70% of cases. It usually affects people over the age of 65 years but can affect younger individuals too. The exact cause of Alzheimer’s Disease is unknown, but several factors are thought to increase your risk of developing the condition.  

These said factors are: 

People with Alzheimer’s Disease can live for several years after symptoms appear. However, this varies greatly from person to person. Alzheimer’s Disease is a terminal condition, but many people who are diagnosed with it will die from another cause. Because Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition, it can cause swallowing difficulties. Aspiration (food inhalation into the lungs) can result, causing frequent chest infections. 

There are currently around 900,000 people with dementia in the UK and this number is expected to rapidly increase in the upcoming years (forecasted to increase to 1.6 million by 2040). 

What are the signs and symptoms of Dementia?

Some common early symptoms that may appear include:

You can find out more information here: Alzheimer’s Society (alzheimers.org.uk) and www.dementiauk.org

How Comfort Care At Home can help with Dementia care?

We understand how difficult living with dementia can be. It puts a strain both on you and your loved one.

All our professional dementia carers are highly trained in caring for clients with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, providing not just a source of support for your loved one’s personal and day-to-day domestic needs, but also as a trusted friend and companion.

We take care of those little things that can make such a big difference in the life of someone living with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, such as making sure their furniture is laid out to make it easy for them to move about their home, serving food in red plates or blue ones depending on the type of dementia as the colour they see more is dependent on the type of dementia, using imagery instead of words as they can have difficulty understanding words. We can gently remind them about daily tasks or even take care of them.

Our dementia carers are here to make your loved one’s life easier. Whether that means taking their rubbish out, reminding them about their medication, bringing them a blanket when they are cold or preparing their favourite meal, we are here to help.

Other common daily activities we help with include:

We prioritise getting to know your loved one to ensure we match them with the right care professional. We consider personalities, interests and hobbies. We also take the time to learn about your loved one’s daily routine so that we can fit seamlessly into their life, maintaining their usual daily habits.

With Comfort Care At Home, your loved one will always have a friendly, respectful and kind-hearted person to talk to, who is also sensitive to the challenges and frustrations that you, as your loved one’s family and friends, are also experiencing. We are here for you as well.

We are Ambassadors for the Alzheimer’s Society and give talks in the community to help create a dementia-friendly environment.  

If you are looking for at home care for a loved one who has a diagnosis of dementia or Alzeheimer’s Disease, or would like to attend one of our talks, get in touch with our friendly care team today on 020 8610 9778 or email us on info@comfortcareathome.co.uk. We’ll answer your questions, direct you towards useful information and help you make the right choice for your loved one. We are here to provide reliable care in Kingston Upon Thames, Surbiton and Surrey.