Call Us: 0208 610 9778

Palliative & End Of Life Care in Kingston & Surrey

We believe providing palliative and end-of-life care is a great responsibility and we want to make the lives of your loved one as comfortable and dignified as possible during this stressful and sensitive time. Specialist care and trustworthy support can make a huge difference.

Our trained care professionals are here for you and your loved one.

A care professional’s role during this time is unique. First and foremost, our priority is to ensure that all the physical and emotional needs of your loved one are taken care of, to ensure that whatever time they have left is made the best of.

However, equally important, is being a source of consistency, strength, reassurance, information and comfort for friends and family.

We can coordinate the mix of visitors that will often be coming in and out of your loved one’s home, whether that be a district nurse, doctor, MacMillan nurse, palliative team, friend or family member.

If you are exploring palliative or end-of-life care for a loved one, we are here to answer all your questions, to help you make the best decision and relieve some of the stress that can occur during this difficult time. Get in contact today on 020 8610 9778 or email us on info@comfortcareathome.co.uk and speak to a member of the Comfort Care At Home team. We are here to help.